Making Reishi Mushroom Extract

I recently made a Reishi mushroom double extract with homegrown Reishi. It felt extra special because it was the first time I ever made such an extraction, plus I got …

Eighteen Months Post Celexa Taper

An update, plus answers to some of my most frequently asked questions. Update – How I’m Doing Now May 12th, 2022 marked eighteen months since I took my final dose …

Working with Lion’s Mane Mushroom

An array of difficult cognitive symptoms ranging from frustrating to debilitating are pretty common for those of us navigating prescribed psychotropic drug withdrawal. These problems can include things like brain …

Lessons from Autumn Olive

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” ~Unknown Pay attention. Follow the small quiet voice. Ask Questions. Remain open and curious. What you seek is likely closer than …

Food-Mood Connection

For much of my life I was someone who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. Great, right? Well sure, in some ways I guess it was, but …

Story Medicine

“The stories we tell ourselves… create our lives and thus our health. What are the stories you tell yourself about your life and your health? This is story medicine.” ~Susun …

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